Virtual Wonders: Benefits and Ways to Offer Homecare

by Dru Pattan

Supporting your Clients Outside of the Treatment Room

The stay at home economy which has taken over in the past year and a half has seen online purchasing surge, and it is set to account for nearly 30% of global beauty sales by 2026.  And while this shift may have had a hand in many changing their beauty regimens, it is common practice for people to search the internet and decide upon random skincare products based solely upon marketing strategies. This is where the Skincare Specialist has the opportunity to shine, offering a unique set of tools which can be employed to ensure these purchasing decisions are made in a more informed manner.  While many are complacent to meet the needs and even the demands of clients inside of the treatment room, we have moved into a new era where it is more important than ever to ensure that we also have a say in what they are using to support their results at home.  

Homecare Hallmarks

There are many ways to incorporate home care as a foundational part of your business and many professionals are even capitalizing on their ability to guide clients in these decisions without requiring them to set foot in a treatment room.  The world of virtual skincare consultations has filled a void within the industry, where people unable or uninterested in professional treatments are now able to seek out professional help and guidance from the comfort of their home.  This approach can also be beneficial to onboarding hesitant clients and encouraging them to make the move into the treatment room while also offering professionals the ability to begin treatment in a more slow and methodical manner, sufficiently preparing the skin for an in person treatment.  Repairing an impaired skin barrier, increasing hydration and optimizing cellular function will all ensure the skin is more receptive to treatment and minimize the potential for complications, allowing the professional to focus on concerns rather than targeting repair exclusively. 

Virtual Check Points

Ensuring proper follow up is another crucial aspect of ensuring your client’s skin is on the right track and that you are establishing a level of trust with them.  With the arrival of colder weather it is important to ensure clients have a healthy skin barrier function to adequately retain hydration long after they leave the treatment room, which requires ongoing daily support.  Putting an emphasis on how much home care can extend the benefits of treatments while also asserting yourself as a long term supporter of your clients’ skin and not just a one time service provider, will ensure your clients return for not just products and services, but for your respected professional advice and opinions as well.  

Communicating Care

With so many advances in technology, finding a platform which supports an open line of communication with clients as well as one which provides organizational support for client information, notes, forms, images and product recommendations you can ideally share with clients, has the potential to be a foundational tool in the success of your relationship. It is common for clients to have questions, to use products incorrectly or to simply feel overwhelmed after meeting with a professional.  Giving them an easy way to communicate which doesn’t feel burdensome can further encourage a level of trust and support often unheard of in the industry.  While this level of communication has often demanded payment, when done correctly they will be compensated for through repeated client purchases. 

Making home care an essential part of your business benefits more than just your bottom line, and by ensuring your client understands that what they do daily is going to matter more than what they do occasionally in the treatment room, you are able to yield better results which is ultimately mutually beneficial.  To be able to do this there must be an intimate understanding of the products used and why they will benefit our client in a long term - sustainable manner; going in depth with cosmetic chemistry and understanding what it takes to meet the needs and demands of our clients outside of the treatment room. With constant advances being made in personal care science, it is also important to continue to learn and understand products outside of the ones we use.  Properly evaluating a client’s existing regimen prior to meeting them can gain us insight on the existing state of the skin and what we might need to do to further support them. 

While we most certainly live in a world where instant gratification is a common expectation, attempting to live up to those expectations in the skincare industry can oftentimes be doing both our business and our clients a disservice.  Ultimately building a relationship of trust while offering support and education surrounding our clients’ skincare needs will be the best thing you can do to create a likewise supportive and sustainable clientele base.


Read this blog in Dermascope Magazine!

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