Professional Mentorship

Looking for Guidance?

Skin & Bare It now offers Professional Mentorship Consultations.  Whether you are looking for guidance with products, treatment protocols, clients or making the shift to a virtual business model, I'm always happy to share information, help brainstorm and try to figure out solutions with those who need it.  Progressing and improving the industry is something I am passionate about so let's chat! 


Interested in Practice Better?

Practice Better is an invaluable client management tool for both in person and virtual practitioners.  As this platform was initially designed for the world of health and nutrition, I have been working hard over the past 4 years to help make it equally beneficial to the esthetics community.  Unlike many platforms on the market, the team over at Practice Better does a wonderful job listening to the needs of their own clientele and has made strides to help make this platform the invaluable tool for aesthetics that it is today. 

During our mentorship session I am happy to go over this platform in detail with you.  If you wanted to take a look around prior to meeting I am able to offer practitioners 20% off.  Just use the link below to get started.  Please note that the 20% off will take effect after your free trial.


The Practice Better Professional Starter Program

In addition to aesthetics specific mentorship, I also offer guided help implementing and utilizing Practice Better with your practice.  I have built up specific workflows within the platform over the years which I am happy to share with the community. 

These include:

  • An elaborate client intake form uploadable to your professional platform
  • A 7 module Client Registration and Walkthrough Program uploadable to your professional platform
  • A guide to building protocols for your clients 

This program includes everything you need to get started using Practice Better for your Aesthetics practice.  Whether you are hands on, virtual, or a combination of the two, this starter program will be an invaluable tool to save you time and immediately get you started.   

These supportive documents have been meticulously created over the course of five years and are continuously tweaked to meet the growing needs of both myself as a professional and my clients.  The best part about them is that they are all highly customizable and this program includes instructions on how to do just that. 

The goal of this program is to help you so with that in mind, it will evolve and grow with time.  If you have any feedback or recommendations moving forward, please feel free to reach out and additions will be considered.  You have lifetime access to this program along with any future updates made.  While this is in its beginning stages, the introductory cost will be $150.  Once the walkthrough is completed and added the price will be raised.